Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Value & Delight of Topsy-turvy Land

The world and the cosmos are not what we have been taught – as children we may have known this, as maturing adults we may still be torturing ourselves with trying to find any possible link between our inner knowing and what the media dumps us with. In the middle of this intense search for a truth which beckons us with delight and joy, our latest version of old Rome is burning down – where is the new music which will have us dancing in our recreation of “realities”?

Why this question? Through a Facebook posting I was reminded of some wonderful, enduring children's books, and some new delicious surprises.

The 20 Most Beautiful Children's Books
(Click on the picture to go to the article)
When I saw the mixture of pictures there arose in me that pushed-down, incredible remembering of longing, like a long-lost bittersweet friendship, strong and powerful as unstoppable passion. I gave up on what I was in the middle of doing and went deep within; there was a sudden ravenous hunger in me to explore this question – What is the essence and whence the fount of this yearning?

One of the realizations that came was this.
In these books and especially through their illustrations I re-connect back to the Co-creator me, where nothing is impossible, where all opportunity is ever-forming at the deepest level, and contradiction and the inexplainable are the portals to now-expanding Divine truth and absolute, ecstatic delight. In this yearning I come home to me at all levels.

Oh to come home. Oh to come home.

How many of us are aliens in our own lives, in our own houses/apartments, in our own relationships, in our work and supposed play, in what we fill our lives with - to try and banish that aching pain of yearning?

Tirup's Herb-garden between Malmö and Staffanstorp, Skåne
(Click on the picture to access the Tirups Örtagård website)
My first thought when I reconnected with these books was “Imagine how the world would be if all stuck politicians and clergymen and corporate scientists and bankers and lawyers, etc., started living from the boundless imagination represented in these books...” And then I remembered the Universalist Church's Song of Praise – Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin with ME! My contribution to being the change is to start living in that Knowing of Anything is Possible which these books represent – and their pictures give me the imagination and strength to live my conviction, day after day after day after day!

Thank God for such children's literature and for the artists and writers who have brought these open worlds of inspiration to us!

PS More on living in "more than one Reality" at once here

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