Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The blog's set up, there are links and information pieces about me.
There will be more, but now the new busyness is over and it is time to step into the water. 


(There is a question being asked....)
"What is the first thing you would like to do to live and spread the interface you talk about?"
I feel all sorts of unknowns, as though they would stop me.
(Another question, going deeper.... or, really the same question, but more pointed....)
"What exactly would you like to do? What do you yearn for?"

suddenly the reality of Creation is not something far away, long ago, but now!
The yearning of Creation in me is making demands of me.
Two things that I must do
Answer the question without editing in any way whatsoever.

And, as long as I do not hurt anyone, to go and do and live my answer as fully as possible.
Not in some distant future, but now.


(to be continued ~~~~~~!)

Some wisdom from Avram Gonzales*, a young man with an inspired mission

*Avram's website is here:

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