
Entangled? Time to get free?

About John

There has always been a yearning in me for something greater, something more possible. And I've so often found myself in places where one part of me was in heaven-on-earth, while another part was hidden. When I put the yearning and the non-living-fully together, this question - which demanded a practical answer - came up in me;
How do I live in ways which are honouring of all of me,
while living effectively, lovingly and fully, body and soul,
in this rather strange world?”

It became more and more important each time I found myself not in honour of the whole of me - my body, my money-flow and my relationships were malfunctioning more and more obviously!

It took me a long time to realize why this was happening, and it's taken more life to find ways of addressing day-to-day the mismatches I've created.

I'm a professional freelance musician, a church organist, an acupressurist specializing in matters to do with sexual flow, a Rebirther (Source Breathing) and transformational shamanic counsellor in the Q'ero (Peruvian) tradition. It wasn't until I began to acknowledge the unity of me and my various “bits” that I began to open up to feeling what I discovered is the vibration of the universe in my body; it is a space beyond any “you can't do this if you do that”-limitation, and it has a powerful healing power. When I'm in this space I'm living at the Interface of human and many-dimensional life, and then anything is possible.

When experienced on Earth, this resonant vibration has the power to open deep-held beliefs, cell-memories, hidden burdens-taken-on-for-others, body pains, life blockages and much more in all sorts of life situations; it initiates healing and change, not least because it works at levels beyond what we have learned as “reality” - our present time-space continuum. My “job” and joy is to assist you in knowing that you are already connected to this vibrating power - so that you feel it and know it, too, in your body; the more you experience this, day to day, the more fully empowered you will be in ever expanding areas of your own life.

You were born to be the Co-creator of your own life.
How to schedule a session with me remote or in person? Click here
You can email John at
j m b o v e r t o n @ g m a i l . c o m

(no spaces)

John's other blogs

Gaiagàsmia - orgasmic waves of ecstatic manifestation
John's tumblr blog - longer reflections on inner surf-riding
John's 'Cosmic Zap' blog - vibrational transformation in the body & beyond 
Conscious Money Coop - working together as we go from one money paradigm to another  

ChristalTemple's blog 2006-2012 - personal reflections - also prayers from Christal Temple ceremonies
John in Posta, Lazio, Italy 
John in Europe (Crete & Sweden) 2010-2011

More about John

My fascinating ancestor and other strange items

People often ask me - "What does the 'B' stand for?"
Why they don't ask about the 'M' (which stands for Michael) has always amused me. It's as though they have honed in on something more scandalous. Well, they have (and, no, it's not about sex and illegitimacy - that's in another part of the ancestry!) The 'B' stands for Byng (with a 'y') and is connected with my rather chequered family history, as you'll see.

If you click on the picture of Sir John Byng, you will be taken to the wikipedia page devoted to my forebear. 

Admiral Sir John Byng, 1704-1757
Commordore-General of Newfoundland, 1742

For many years, my mother had At 12 Mr. Byng was shot by Dudley Pope on her bedside table. I don't know if this affected her sleep, at all!

John MB Overton

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