are not always what they seem
It is easy these days to feel enlightenment stress.
All the current in-phrases repeated on the internet ("Be the change..." "You are not a body..." "There is no try..." "Meditation is the Way..." "Everything is Energy..."* etc) make it very tempting to go into hidden guilt over every way one feels one is not ascending into the new paradigm; mouthing affirmations of one's divine worthiness can feel like hypocrisy!
Hidden inner programs have always been the delight of psychologists - after all, they earn good money from our phobias and supposed deep failures - yet these programs are usually "just programs", neither more nor less, hardly something to judge ourselves about.
Seeing the world through bars? |
It's been especially important when seeming setbacks occur.
Instead of seeing these setbacks as indications or outcomes of my "inability" to manifest or to stay out of judgement, I'm learning to watch them as interesting views on the journey - views which may be bearers of deeper knowings and truths. It's rather "cool" to see what happens inside when self-judgement turns to fascination and allows a sense of "What else is possible, here?"
Eucharistic vessels used in Europe's northermost church - in Svalbard |
We'll See
Author Unknown
Once upon a time, there was a farmer in the
central region of China. He didn't have a lot of money and, instead of a
tractor, he used an old horse to plow his field.
One afternoon, while working in the field, the horse dropped dead. Everyone in the village said, "Oh, what a horrible thing to happen." The farmer said simply, "We'll see."
One afternoon, while working in the field, the horse dropped dead. Everyone in the village said, "Oh, what a horrible thing to happen." The farmer said simply, "We'll see."
read the rest of the story here ...
OK, that's a blog-post for another day!
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