Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rebirthing Rawness, Rage and Reticence into Real Release?

"Indigenous wisdom knows that 'to live is to move';
to awaken from our deep slumber means
our bones will be rattled, and we'll be shaken to the core.
In this invitation into very ancient medicine,
we hear the voices of the elders issuing a timely wakeup call
that is accessible to the modern world..."


quoted by Bradford Keeney
on the Spiritual Classrooms page of his LifeForceTheatre website

Continuing on the down-is-up theme? Absolutely! 

As the late Gabrielle Roth and many others have shown – it is in the half-hidden, despised and guilt-tripped areas of life where there is usually the creative juice of our deeper more fulfilling life-journeys just waiting to be opened up.

I was talking to a good friend who is a birth and death
doula – a spiritual midwife of orgasmic birthing and dying. It got me thinking again of my own path through Rebirthing and integrated sexuality and shamanism and healing, and how this all fits in with my musical and church organist me. One of my great inspirations is Bradford Keeney, an inspired shaking jazz musician and Bushmen-transformed healer; he has taken his grand piano into his healing sessions, and uses voice and movement and that “Slain n' get up in the Spirit” of the New Orleans Baptists and the shaking N/om of the Bushmen to undo everything in the way of God being able to get through!

Which is what any Dark Night of the Soul is about – since nothing works any longer, we are forced into a shaking surrender so that the Spirit can remake us. Whole and Holy!

OK – so I'm not a spiritual orgasmic birth midwife, not a spiritual death midwife.... maybe I'm a BSOLMh (don't you just LOVE those annoying acronyms!) I'm a


Or a Raw Life Rebirther.

(not food. life.)

If nothing else, this should get some interesting “hits” on Google!


And now, a crazy PS!!!!

Listen to this - ABSURD MEDICINE (mp3) - at the bottom of this page >>>>>>>>>>>
and it
will REALLY turn your world upside down!!!!

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