Friday, August 24, 2012

Gaiagàsmic Global Ecstatic Wave Saturday 25 Aug

This is a reminder that tomorrow, Saturday, we are doing the Gaiagàsmic Wave again for the freeing of financial abundance and the healing of the poverty gene.
(More information here)

This is part of our 4-week series where we're powerfully moving everything-still-stuck about our own personal and our global money. Waves of money-ease are coming in!

8am or 11pm local time (or your own personal local time!)

My suggestion for an intention for Saturday 25th August is
the Joy and Ecstatic Deliciousness of Money-Flow!

Let's let the music tinkle and roar!!!

There's a Facebook group if you'd like to share your experiences - just send me a FB message and I'll add you to the group.
Or you can comment below where it says Comments/No comments

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