Saturday, September 29, 2012

Opening to the Centre on St Michael's Day

I've been exploring the shadowlands between “wolf-hour waking” and dream-drugged oversleeping.

The “wolf hour” is a Scandinavian term denoting that middle-of-the-night time when one becomes suddenly awake and unable to return to the deliciousness of sleep; often a time of worry or when strange ungrounded personal decisions seem absolutely logical and “the only way to go”! The next morning such “decisions” show themselves to be as mad as they really were!

I feel very lucky since throughout my life I've been able to sleep most nights without waking to that strange “wolf-time” angst.

And the waking I've experienced recently? It has been of a whole “other” experience!

It all started several weeks ago, quite unexpectedly.

I had been asked to do some “distance-healing clearings” - in some ways akin to a mild form of “exorcism” common to South American shamanic practice. For me, this is usually like clearing inner road-blocks; now I was dealing with elementally much stronger life-blocks which seemed to be preventing the experiencing of “more” - as though there was a deeper reason for me being called into service.

One night I was woken drastically from a dream state and suddenly felt tremors going through my body, rather like when I was being trained in Reiki many years ago, but much stronger than I remembered. I was awake but I was also part of a “heavenly vision” - I was immediately shown how to take the tremor in me and align it with something way beyond energy – a kind of multidimensional cosmic resonance. When I started to do this I was enveloped in the most wonderful experience of extraordinary ecstatic waves – it just kept going on and on.

I must have fallen asleep exhausted, but when I woke up I decided to “test” what I'd experienced in the night to see if it was a dream or not. I expected that I would not be connected as I had been – I've often tried to recreate visions and between-the-realms experiences in the normal waking state, and seldom succeeded.

This time was very different! I merely had to “imagine gently” that I was back in what I had experienced in the middle of the night and the ecstatic wave started again, just as powerfully. And it continued. Each time I even thought about what had happened, my body started to experience the “divine tremor” again – in fact, as I'm writing this, I'm receiving the same vibrations!

The following nights I was woken night after night to be shown a clearing “cosmic zap” - like wielding a St Michael sword in the beyond-multidimensionality. I was surprised by how really instantaneous the “zap” was. Incidentally, writing about this today, 29th September, is fun because it is Michaelmas – the Christian feast of St Michael and All Angels!

During these wakeful nights I was also shown and was able to experience a quick 3-step Multi-D Compost/Recalibration/Reconnection system for releasing anybody else's energy that I had inadvertently taken upon myself. I tend to have an empath “problem” where I assume that what I'm feeling belongs to me personally, rather than belonging to my tuning-in to others' energies. The system which I was shown immediately helped me “energetically” and easily to come “home” back to me. I have been using it ever since!

Since those waking-vision nights I've been woken several more times and shown a much stronger tremor to do with “Beyond the beyond-energy Vibration” – a kind of tapping into the fabric which holds universes together. And some interesting pictures about how to anchor these extraordinary resonances/patterns in our bodies and not “fly off” somewhere or to feel like we need to “burst open”.

Where this is leading is still partly a mystery. But what I do know is that the between-the-realms experience which has always been a common part of my day-to-day life as a musician and healing facilitator is now no longer an “over-there” imagined reality but a multi-dimensional tool which we can use to change things here and now in our everyday experience.

The difference from before?

It is the constant subtle resonant vibration which changes the way I see and experience things, so that I know (rather than “just believe”) that miracles are possible!

I've written more about it here.

Happy St Michael's Day!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Finale - Ecstatic Saturdays

Global Ecstatic Wave for Financial Abundance Grand Finale!!!!
(..... this time round)

Yup! Tomorrow, Sat 22nd September, 8am or 11pm local time
your local time.

Waves at Dunwich, Suffolk, UK by Val Burnham

A push for an avalanche of financial flow for all of us, and especially for easeful money abundance to our fellow humans in poverty-stricken areas of the world...
and, of course, loads of fun!!!!

If you're still wondering what all this is about, click here

Thank you, all of you, for taking part in this past month's spread of abundance.
Every blessing.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Ecstatic Saturdays for Financial Abundance

Global Ecstatic Wave for Financial Abundance again?!!!

Yup! Tomorrow, Sat 15th September, 8am or 11pm local time
or your local time.

This is the penultimate one. The last one is next Saturday 22nd September.

So if you're ready for greater financial flow and also to send waves of easeful money abundance to our fellow humans in poverty-stricken areas of the world, please join in!!!

For more information, click here

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Value & Delight of Topsy-turvy Land

The world and the cosmos are not what we have been taught – as children we may have known this, as maturing adults we may still be torturing ourselves with trying to find any possible link between our inner knowing and what the media dumps us with. In the middle of this intense search for a truth which beckons us with delight and joy, our latest version of old Rome is burning down – where is the new music which will have us dancing in our recreation of “realities”?

Why this question? Through a Facebook posting I was reminded of some wonderful, enduring children's books, and some new delicious surprises.

The 20 Most Beautiful Children's Books
(Click on the picture to go to the article)
When I saw the mixture of pictures there arose in me that pushed-down, incredible remembering of longing, like a long-lost bittersweet friendship, strong and powerful as unstoppable passion. I gave up on what I was in the middle of doing and went deep within; there was a sudden ravenous hunger in me to explore this question – What is the essence and whence the fount of this yearning?

One of the realizations that came was this.
In these books and especially through their illustrations I re-connect back to the Co-creator me, where nothing is impossible, where all opportunity is ever-forming at the deepest level, and contradiction and the inexplainable are the portals to now-expanding Divine truth and absolute, ecstatic delight. In this yearning I come home to me at all levels.

Oh to come home. Oh to come home.

How many of us are aliens in our own lives, in our own houses/apartments, in our own relationships, in our work and supposed play, in what we fill our lives with - to try and banish that aching pain of yearning?

Tirup's Herb-garden between Malmö and Staffanstorp, Skåne
(Click on the picture to access the Tirups Örtagård website)
My first thought when I reconnected with these books was “Imagine how the world would be if all stuck politicians and clergymen and corporate scientists and bankers and lawyers, etc., started living from the boundless imagination represented in these books...” And then I remembered the Universalist Church's Song of Praise – Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin with ME! My contribution to being the change is to start living in that Knowing of Anything is Possible which these books represent – and their pictures give me the imagination and strength to live my conviction, day after day after day after day!

Thank God for such children's literature and for the artists and writers who have brought these open worlds of inspiration to us!

PS More on living in "more than one Reality" at once here

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Enjoying the “Safety of Money Supply”

Time for the 3rd in this month-long series of
Saturday Gaiagàsmic Waves for financial abundance.
My suggestion for intention is to do with safety, ease and gentle empowerment.

I'm proposing this intention because of the present tendency to describe the world's economies in devastatingly fearful terms, with chaos and possible consequent threats of curtailed freedom as an ever-increasing danger. Given the media comments which their appraisal of the current situation evoke, a body-sense of deep-rooted malaise and panic can easily be engendered in all of their listeners/viewers, and by extension the rest of us, empathetic and in-tune as we are!! And when some believe they have discovered hidden plans and possible military action, “the money issue” has started riding with some grotesquely uncomfortable “cousins-in-angst.”

Whatever the truth of any of the above, we have a remedy in joy to enjoy.

With the intention for safety, ease and gentle empowerment, we are pushing the creation of the new-and-flowing back into the realm of the possible, and, as we have seen from other Gaiagàsmia actions, the very likely! My own observation is that the very Intention for each connected Wave of Ecstatic Joy, moves the seemingly locked and immoveable with ease, before we even begin!

My friends – we are part of a more powerful force for good than we may realize!!

This Saturday 8th September, 8am or 11pm or any time - your own local time!
And why not send some shouts of Joy towards London where the Paralympics are coming to an end – the celebration of the unlikely made more than possible and celebrated in triumph and mutual support!
Charles Hazlewood's Paraorchestra are playing
at the Paralympic Closing Ceremony, 9th Sept.

(click on the picture to go to the Vimeo video link)


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

At the Human-Divine Interface

Are you an Infinite Being?
Deep down do you find pretty well everything about modern Earth-Life profoundly dissatisfying?
Have you a yearning to re-ignite that Knowing in you which brings back miracles to every dimension of Creation?

Come forward to the Interface.
The Interface where our space-time “reality” both coalesces with and defines itself “against” the Vibration-Language of Eternal Possibility.

Let us start by healing the misconception that we are inherently flawed............

The Ceremony of Original Innocence
(Click on picture for YouTube video - opens in a new page)

We who are the bridges, both the form and the formless....
We who relish the sensuality of our bodies and the delicious gifts of wisdom and experience that they are....

As we begin to reintegrate all our levels, it is time to explore Miracle-Land...

Are you ready?
Am I prepared?
Shall we step into this re-remembered experience where everything is possible?

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Gaiagàsmic Wave for the Ecstatic Healing of Ojnare Boreal Forest - 3 September

The Desecration of the Boreal Forest on Gotland, Sweden
- and what we can do about it.

In the northern part of the Swedish island of Gotland, there is an extensive area of unique ancient wild boreal forest called Ojnare (OY-narreh) – it is home to a number of threatened species of plant and animal/insect. The Swedish-Finnish roadstone company Nordkalk has been given permission by Sweden's Supreme Court (Högsta Domstolen) to use this forest to extract limestone after a very truncated hearing which protesters believe was rigged through undercover bribery. An increasing number of protesters are now risking freedom and limb (etc) by putting their bodies in the way of the machines/diggers.
What started out as a small movement by aware “field biologists” has now grown into a full-scale stand-off between protesters on the one hand, and the Nordkalk machines – supported by the island and imported police – on the other. The Swedish Supreme Court has yet to show any sign of reconsidering the case and the government is trying to play down the whole affair, while more and more police resources, protesters, machines, journalists/media and others are being drawn into the conflicted arena.

That this threat to Earth's (and our) environment is now firmly placed in the light of international attention is vitally important, and certainly a good thing. However the vibrations of escalating distrust and the ever-present threat of non-peaceful action, especially by those whose “job” it is to “keep order” (many of whom may themselves privately believe in the validity of the protesters' actions) is a recipe for long-term damage – not just of the earth, but for everyone involved – at cell-, soul- and “locked-in opinion”-levels. What is happening in Ojnare Forest is a smaller version of what is happening over the whole world and in our skies.

We hope that the protests will stop the machines.

But the protests cannot heal what has caused the scarcity and greed in the first place; experience shows that if the protesters win, another place will be chosen for the same “fight” - and usually at a more threatening level. Most of the evil going on in terms of earth-desecration - attempts at human control of weather, environment, food and, ultimately, people - is born from feelings of need-for-power-over-by-pain. Evil is like an intense hidden hurt which intensifies until it boils over and breeds degrading chaos - those who are instrumental in promoting this destruction seem to know no other way.

When we play their game, we cannot win - the “war-zone” has no Joy, no “lightness of Being”, no ecstatic experience. But it is exactly these wonderfully ecstatic vibrancies and resonancies of delight which can turn a war-zone into a garden of change (witness what musicians have done in concentration camps!)

Many people use Breathing for Peace, or (like James Twyman) sing songs in war-zones, or send waves of HeartMath or Reiki, or hold Prayer services, etc. If you are one of these, please do so now.

There is also another way – extremely powerful.

It is a co-ordinated global orgasmic* experience.

Such waves are the very initiation-point of creation – when we together-as-one are mimicking the energies of the conception of the cosmos, we are linked into that Divine Power of Unlimited Healing and Boundless Expansive JOY! There isn't anything which can resist such power! And it is said that “the Devil hates Laughter!”
Please join me in a Gaiagàsmic Wave for the Ecstatic Healing of Ojnare Boreal Forest tomorrow (Monday 3rd September) night around your usual bedtime. And remember to breathe deeply and shout and sing and groan wildly and be totally outrageously happy!
Thank you.

*orgasmic experience can be trance dance, amazing musical expression, making love, uncontrollable laughter, a lovefeast of delicious fruits, etc. – you choose your own way!!!